Thousand Times Over

This is old school writing. If you're a skimmer, this is not for you! It will make you wonder, why I wrote it? Nonetheless, I DID! Disclaimer: A bit longer, a bit unusual and a bit disturbing.

Pursuit of known to unknown

I’m Bored of being bored because being bored is boring. The only way I find to make sense out of life is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. To understand what ‘the plunging, the moving and the dancing’ was all about, in one sentence, concluding the entirety of how to... Continue Reading →

Human Insight

If eyes could see through the bellowing tides, You might have known what do I think. If that eerie would have buried in your heart, You might have known what do I think. If wind might have blown the curtain of  benightedness, Then you might also have seen beyond the window. If your narcissistic eyelids... Continue Reading →

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